Friday, August 22, 2014

Apache Cassandra.

Apache Cassandra.
  Cassandra is NoSQL persistence solustion.  NoSQL persistence.

* Distributed data
* Linear scalability
* Tunable consistency level.

Developed by facebook - open sourced in 2008
Influenced by Bigtable(link) and Dynamo white(link).

Netflix, ebay, twitter, reddit.

The data stored and replicated across nodes. node - server having cassandra instance. virtual node(one server will contain many cassandra instance). The node are distributed around a token ring. hash of the key will determines where on the token data stored.

replication strategies combined with snitch -  where data to replicated. it improves availability.

Data structure.

A keyspace is the namespace under which column families are defined.The replication strategies and factors defined at keyspace level.

A column family contains a number of rows, indexed by a row key, Each row containing a collection of columns. Each column contains a column name value and time stamp.

The ordering of columns in a row is important. The datatype for column value is specified by the validator.

Column automatically expire by setting time to live. ttl has passed then column will automatically be deleted.

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